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New Keeley Effects Pedals
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Keeley Pedal Effects
Now in Stock:
Keeley "Four Knob Compressor" Pedal - $199.00
Keeley "Compressor Pro" Pedal - $299.00
Led Display, Hard/Soft Knee Settings, Controls For Threshold,
Ratio, Attack, Release, and Output Gain
Click Here for More
Effects and Accessories
At Guitar Rez.com!
Guitar Rez.com is Proud to be an Authorized Dealer for the Following Brands:
"65" Guitar Amps
"A.E.R." Acoustic Guitar Amps
Aguilar Bass Amps, Cabs and Pickups
Alembic Basses
Alembic Guitars
Bad Cat Guitar Amplifiers
Joe Barden Pickups
Bogner Guitar Amplifiers
Boss Pedal Effects
Budda Guitar Pedal Effects
CAST Engineering Pedal Effects
Catalinbread Pedal Effects
"CA" Composite Acoustics Guitars
"Carl Martin" Pedal Effects
"Charvel" Electric Guitars
Darkglass Amps and Pedal Effects for Bass
DOD and Digitech Effects Pedals
Dr.Z Guitar Amplifiers
"Electro-Harmonix" Effects Pedals
"Engl" German Rock'n'Roll Amps
EVH Guitars!
Fender "AcoustaSonic" Acoustic/Electric Guitars
Fender "Custom Shop" "Time Machine" Guitars
Fender "Custom Shop/Time Machine" Basses
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Fender "American Elite" Guitars and Basses
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"Furch" Acoustic Guitars
"G&L" Guitars
"G&L" Basses
Gallien-Krueger Bass Amplifiers
"George L's" Custom Cables
Gibson Acoustic Guitars
Gibson Custom/Historic Electric Guitars
"Godin" Electric Guitars and Basses
Gretsch Electric Guitars
Don Grosh Custom Electric Guitars
Guild Acoustic Guitars
Ibanez Soundgear Basses
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Jackson Electric Guitars
"J Rockett" Effects Pedals
"Keeley Electronics" Effects Pedals
George Lowden Acoustic Guitars
"Lunastone" Effects Pedals
"N.S. Design" Upright Basses
PRS Acoustic Guitars
PRS Electric Guitars
PRS Paul Reed Smith Guitar Amplifiers
"Pigtronix" Analog Pedal Effects
"Rainsong" Graphite Acoustic Guitars
Rickenbacker Guitars and Basses
Rivera Guitar Amplifiers
"Roscoe" Guitars and Basses
Kevin Ryan Acoustic Guitars
"Santa Cruz" Acoustic Guitars
Seagull Acoustic Guitars
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"Z Vex" Pedal Effects